Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Institute (ICCRI)

Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Institute (ICCRI)

Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Institute (ICCRI) was established on 1 January 1911 under the name of Besoekisch Proefstation in Jember, East Java, Indonesia. Therefore, ICCRI has played important role for more than a century in research and development in producing technologies and innovations for coffee and cocoa commodities. The scope of research and development covers plant breeding and biotechnology, agronomy, soil science and water management, plant protection, post-harvest technology, machinery, and social economy. ICCRI is supported by qualified researchers, research facilities, and strong collaborative network with various national and international stakeholders.

ICCRI has a strategic mission in developing science and technology to support national coffee and cocoa productions. Besides the achievement of science and technology innovations, ICCRI also disseminates the products to the farming communities. Many of success stories had been produced by ICCRI collaborating regional and national government.

ICCRI was designated as the Center of Excellence for Science and Technology (center of excellence) for cocoa and coffee, respectively in 2012 and 2013 by the Ministry of Research and Technology to support the implementation of the Master Plan for Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesian Economic Development. Since May 20, 2016, ICCRI have expanded its duties and functions included educate new entrepreneurs based on coffee and cocoa commodities with the establishment of the Coffee and Cocoa Science Techno Park (CCSTP) as a strategic unit of ICCRI by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education. The highest achievement of ICCRI in 2020 was being named the best innovation institute in research, development, assessment and application by the National Research and Innovation Agency of Republic Indonesia.

ICCRI Vision

Become an excellent coffee and cocoa research center in the world

ICCRI Main Functions

Conducting research activities to produce innovative technologies applicable for aspects of on-farm to processing of coffee and cocoa.

Performing service towards coffee and cocoa farmers, with aims to solve ongoing problems and to enhance transfer of technology.

Improve capacity of human resources and facilities to support research and development activities.

ICCRI Mission

Generating innovations in coffee and cocoa agro-industrial technology related with the user needs;
Accelerating dissemination and technology transfer of innovations;
Strengthening the collaborations within national and international communities;
Empowering and community development to create new entrepreneurs using coffee and cocoa innovations;

CCRI Programs 2021 – 2025

Increasing the capacity and capability of Coffee and Cocoa Science Techno Park (CCSTP);
Supporting the development of coffee and cocoa technology in central production areas;
Strengthening community development in coffee and cocoa production center;
Innovating mitigation technology and adaptation to environmental, especially, climate changes;
Self-sufficiency in seed production and marketing innovation;
Socializing of high productivity coffee and cocoa cultivation technology.
Establishing Personnel Certification Institute;
Developing for small-scale downstream industries;
Optimizing human resources towards human capital 2020-2025 and improving employee welfare.


Pusat Penelitian Kopi & Kakao Indonesia

Jl. PB. Sudirman 90, Jember 68118
Telp : (62331) 757130, 757132
Fax : (0331) – 757131
E-Mail : [email protected]

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