Arabian Coffee Institute (ACI)

Arabian Coffee Institute (ACI)

Arabian Coffee Institute (ACI)

It is an institute, with a Team of experts, educators, and researchers that cover all aspect of the coffee value chain.


Be the coffee center of excellence leader in the Middle East.


1. Provide internationally accredited solutions in the coffee industry.

2. Establish a research division specialized in providing professional programs and scientific research (R&D).

3. Develop internationally recognized curricula in Arabic and English.

4. Create strategic partnerships with global coffee communities.

5. Build local and regional coffee communities and chapters.
Partner with the Saudi Standard Classification of Professions, to develop the barista and roaster professions.

Coffee is more than a bean. If coffee beans are properly processed and brewed, they will become an amazing drink with deep flavors that will make your day a wonderful one.

(AIC) offer high-quality consultations and training programs. Furthermore, we at the Arab Coffee Institute understand the importance of taking care of coffee through the different stages in the process from cultivation and harvesting all the way through proper processing and roasting. We ensure a premium flavors final cup without an unpleasant aftertaste.

The Arabian Coffee Institute, offer you a variety of courses, consultations, and experiences in the coffee field.

You will have an amazing opportunity to become a professional in the various areas of coffee. We will prepare you to advance in your career and acquire new skills by providing you with the best training and courses.

The training programs at the Arab Coffee Institute are of high quality and are based on academic researches to ensure continuous development.

In addition, AIC  courses go through rigorous auditing by our quality control department in accordance with the international and local standards to measure the trainees learning outcomes.

ACI training programs are continuously evaluated to ensure the application of theoretical knowledge to practice.

To start advancing your career, you can now apply to benefit from one of our training or advisory programs in the various areas of coffee.

This will allow you to gain valuable knowledge, acquire new skills, and view the latest research and discoveries related to coffee by the best trainers and experts in the field through the Arab Coffee Institute, the most complete coffee institute in the Arab World.

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