Transforming Global Coffee Production: WCR’s Comprehensive Approach to Strengthening Robusta Supply in 2023

Transforming Global Coffee Production: WCR’s Comprehensive Approach to Strengthening Robusta Supply in 2023

In a monumental move aimed at fortifying the global robusta coffee industry, World Coffee Research (WCR) has embarked on a far-reaching initiative in 2023 to enhance research and breeding, introducing a strategic plan to address rising demand and potential shortages. This bold step comes as robusta (C. canephora) continues its ascent, evolving into a major market force, comprising 40% of total global coffee production, up from 25% in the early 1990s.

Global Robusta Breeding Program Unveiled: A White Paper Analysis

WCR’s response to the burgeoning interest in robusta is a comprehensive study, initiated in 2022 and culminating in a white paper published in October 2023. The study delves into critical trends for future robusta supply and demand, assessing resources dedicated to robusta genetic improvement. Alarming findings indicate that by 2040, the world may grapple with robusta shortages of up to 35 million bags. Furthermore, the production landscape has become concentrated among six key countries, posing a significant risk to global supply chains.

As robusta increasingly replaces arabica, the quality of robusta must also rise to avoid consumer rejection. WCR identifies a need for a collaborative, global robusta breeding program to address these challenges. Existing robusta breeding programs are positioning themselves for innovation, but global collaboration is crucial for the expedited advancement of breeding programs.

AbacusBio Report: Assessing the Landscape of Robusta Production

To shed light on the intricate dynamics of robusta production, WCR commissioned a report from AbacusBio, a genetic-improvement consultancy. The report emphasizes that current levels of investment in robusta research and breeding are insufficient to meet projected shortages or evolving market quality needs. The call for a global, collaborative effort is echoed to accelerate breeding programs and ensure the industry’s sustainability and resilience to climate change.

Access to Unique Genetic Materials: Robusta Breeding Set to Begin in 2024

WCR secures access to a substantial collection of robusta genetic materials from the Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement (CIRAD). The analysis confirms the presence of valuable and unique genetic materials not widely utilized in commercial robusta varieties. This collection serves as the foundation for WCR’s plan to initiate breeding activities, including the strategic crossing of key materials, set to commence in 2024.

In tandem with these efforts, WCR is in discussions with key countries to establish a global robusta breeding network. The objective is to ensure a diversified and resilient supply of robusta, mitigating risks associated with climate change and concentrated production.

Empowering Farmers in Uganda: NARO Kituza Robusta (KR) 1-10 Project

Recognizing the crucial role of farmers in the robusta supply chain, WCR, in collaboration with Strauss Coffee, initiates a project in Uganda. This project aims to enhance robusta propagation and increase the capacity of local nurseries to supply improved varieties. The release of 10 clonal lines under the name NARO Kituza Robusta (KR) 1-10, resistant to Coffee Wilt Disease (CWD), holds the promise of boosting farmer income by up to 250%.

To date, nearly 50,000 KR plants have been supplied to farmers, accompanied by information on managing the varieties. Training programs for nursery operators and UCDA extension officers contribute to the project’s success. The project also includes the publication of a manual on grafting CWD-resistant robusta scions onto drought-tolerant rootstocks, enhancing plant health and resilience.

Advancing Knowledge with New Resources: Robusta Landscape Insights

In 2023, WCR intensifies its efforts to deepen understanding of the robusta landscape and support enhanced production. Several resources are created, including open-access training videos and manuals. These resources provide invaluable information to stakeholders in the coffee industry, ensuring a well-informed approach to robusta cultivation.

As the demand for robusta continues to soar, WCR’s multifaceted approach seeks to ensure a resilient and thriving global robusta coffee production, safeguarding the industry’s future. Through collaborative breeding, access to unique genetic materials, and empowerment of farmers, WCR is poised to make a lasting impact on the robusta coffee landscape, securing a sustainable future for this essential commodity.

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