Mohamed Minran’s Journey: From Curiosity to Specialty Coffee Expertise

Mohamed Minran’s Journey: From Curiosity to Specialty Coffee Expertise

Who is Minran Mohamed? Tell us a little bit about yourself

My name is Mohamed Minran and l’m from the city of Colombo in Sri Lanka. I am ambitious and driven, I thrive in challenging and environments constantly set new goals for myself.

At a young age, I had to stop my education as I needed to work in order to support my family. l have previously worked in data entry for a private company, as a part-time employee at a pharmacy, as well as in the customs department in Sri Lanka

By working in the Sri Lankan customs department, I developed and improved myself by taking on bigger roles as well as more responsibilities. I prefer to have something to strive towards as I am not comfortable with settling and enjoy opportunities for self-improvement in order to achieve a level of personal fulfilment and success.

When and how did your journey with coffee begin?

I was introduced to the coffee industry much later in life. Five years ago, I moved to Dubai and started work as a waiter and my job allowed me to learn about espresso machines and prepare coffee Although the company, I was working with did not specialize in coffee, I found myself becoming more curious about coffee. Two years later, I began my Specialty Coffee journey through my employment with Mokha 1450.

Although I had no previous knowledge about specialty coffee, Mokha 1450 provided all the necessary training, and I gradually learnt how truly special and diverse coffee is.  I learnt where and how it is grown, the ypes of processing. roasting profiles, and how much each step in the process adds to the value of the final cup profile both in terms of flavor and pricing. Much like wine. People have refined and different tastes when it comes to how they prefer their coffee.

What do you find most interesting about the Specialty coffee industry in the United Arab Emirates (UAE)?

In the UAE, specialty coffee has grown fairly fast and it is a very competitive market. Today UAE is the most developed coffee market in the Middle East and one of the leading coffee destinations in the

world. The diversity and high levels of coffee offerings here are quite unique aswell as the fact that Mokha 1450 pioneered the concept of offering every brewing method possible which has been widely adopted throughout the industry here.

What is your favorite coffee origin and why?

My favorite coffee origin is Guatemalan Asobagri. The reason for my choice is that this coffee has the right balance, body, sweetness and the roast profile we use for this coffee is such that it is exceptional both brewed as well as an espresso without highlighting any harshness. The producers of this coffee are also very unique and special.

What would you say is your unique approach when it comes to brewing coffee?

I believe brewing coffee is a complex process with a lot of variables involved. It can be overwhelming to keep track of every minute detail and my unique approach that of being mindful and paying attention to and finding enjoyment in all the small details.

What was your experience like competing in the Mokha 1450 Barista Craft Coffee Competition?

It was a great experience as each barista brought their own ideas to the table. There was a lot of interaction amongst baristas that became not only a learning experience, but great baristas fun that allowed each barista personality to come through.

What was your unique theory on curating a coffee that is perfectly matched to flavor profile preferences of people living in the UAE?

Coffee is a universal language. It makes people feel comfortable, especially in a country like the UAE where coffee is a part of of the national identity. People in the UAE like a more romantic and flavorful cup and, in my experience, usually prefer low acidity. With notes of chocolate and fruits However, it is complicated to have one theory on flavor profile and preference as we often get a varity of preferences.

What is your advice on becoming a professional barista?

I suggest attending coffee festivals, shops,exploring different coffe reading about coffee and following notable coffee connoisseurs on social media. Learning is essential and leads to more informed exploration.

Experimenting with different brewing methods, coffee roasting and flavor profile to develop your palate and broaden your knowledge base. I believe that engaging with your customers and sharing the knowledge on the nuance of different coffee varieties, and making their coffee experience memorable is a valuable trait barista. Once you grow as a professional barista, you could even

challenge yourself by creating a signature drink that showcases your unique style and creativity which could make you stand out in the industry.

What is the coffee that you prefer to drink every day, origin, preparation method flavor profile and why?

Personally, I prefer brewing the Guatemalan coffee using a V-60. Which will give you a very balanced cup with coffee that keeps me sweet notes, invigorated all day.





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