ICO partners with g7 to enhance climate adaptation and sustainability in the coffee global value chain

ICO partners with g7 to enhance climate adaptation and sustainability in the coffee global value chain

The International Coffee Organization (ICO) is proud to announce that its direct engagement, advocacy efforts and collaboration with the Italian Presidency of the G7 are bringing new concrete opportunities to strengthen adaptation measures and foster sustainability in the coffee global value chain.

During the recent G7 Ministers’ Meeting on Climate, Energy and Environment held in Turin from 28 to 30 April, leaders agreed on several significant actions, including the launch of the Adaptation Accelerator Hub. This initiative will urgently implement adaptation measures, emphasize partnerships, and support mobilization and investment for climate change adaptation, with a focus on developing viable plans for developing countries.

The final communiqué issued from the meeting acknowledges the challenges faced by the coffee sector, with over 25 million small-scale farmers in 50 countries often unable to achieve a fair living income due to structural issues, climate change and biodiversity loss.

In response to these environmental and developmental challenges, the Italian Presidency of the G7 promoted the establishment of a public-private partnership initiative for sustainable, resilient, circular and regenerative coffee value chains. Open to G7 members, this initiative recognizes and leverages the key international role and expertise of the ICO and its unique Coffee Public-Private Task Force (CPPTF) alongside partners such as FAO, UNDP, and UNIDO. It aims to avoid a duplication of efforts and to promote the transformation of the coffee sector for future-fit, climateresilient, and environmentally sound, equitable and sustainable economic growth.

The Italian G7 Presidency prioritizes coffee as a strategic commodity. It will further seek the G7 leaders’ endorsement at the upcoming summit in Borgo Egnazia, Puglia, from 13 to 15 June, – 2 – and will promote the establishment of a Blended Coffee Sustainability and Resilience Fund at the G7 Ministers’ Meeting on Development in Pescara (24-25 October).

For further information, please refer to pages 32-33 of the official Climate, Energy, and Environment Ministers’ Meeting Communiqué (Turin, 29-30 April 2024), available here.


International Coffee Organization The International Coffee Organization (ICO) is the only intergovernmental organization supporting exporting and importing countries to improve the sustainability of the coffee sector. It provides a high-level forum for all public and private stakeholders in the sector; official statistics on coffee production, trade and consumption; and support for the development and funding of technical cooperation projects and public-private partnerships.

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