NCA Report Highlights Growth and Trends in Specialty Coffee Consumption in 2024
The National Coffee Association (NCA) has released its comprehensive Specialty Coffee Report for 2024, showcasing significant insights into the evolving patterns of coffee consumption in the United States. The report, part of the 2024 National Coffee Data Trends (NCDT) series, emphasizes the growing popularity and changing dynamics of specialty coffee among American consumers.
Key Findings:
1. Record High Coffee Consumption: In 2024, daily coffee consumption in the United States reached a 20-year high. This surge is driven primarily by younger coffee drinkers, particularly those aged 25-39, who show a strong preference for specialty coffee beverages. According to the report, 67% of American adults consumed coffee in the past day, surpassing the consumption of any other beverage, including water.
2. Specialty Coffee’s Dominance: Specialty coffee has seen a remarkable increase in popularity, with 45% of American adults reporting they consumed a specialty coffee in the past day, marking an 80% rise since 2011. The report indicates that specialty coffee drinkers average 2.8 cups per day, compared to 1.8 cups for traditional coffee drinkers.
3. Demographic Insights:
- Age: The mean age of specialty coffee drinkers is 42, slightly younger than the average age of traditional coffee drinkers, which is 52. The 25-39 age group is the most avid consumer of specialty coffee, with 66% reporting consumption in the past week.
- Regional Differences: The highest past-week specialty coffee consumption was observed in the West (61%), followed closely by the South (60%).
- Ethnicity: Hispanic-Americans lead in specialty coffee consumption, with 69% reporting they drank specialty coffee in the past week.
4. Types of Specialty Coffee: The report highlights the growing preference for both espresso-based and non-espresso-based specialty coffee beverages. The most popular espresso-based beverages include lattes, espressos, and cappuccinos. Among non-espresso-based beverages, cold brew coffee and frozen blended coffee are favorites, with 42% of past-week specialty coffee drinkers agreeing that drinking cold brew is trendy.
5. Coffee Preparation Methods: In terms of preparation, drip coffee makers and single-cup brewers remain the top methods among past-day specialty coffee drinkers. The report also notes a rise in the use of ready-to-drink coffee beverages and cold brewing methods, reflecting a shift towards convenience and innovative coffee experiences.
6. Financial and Social Trends: Despite financial concerns among many consumers, the demand for specialty coffee continues to grow. Specialty coffee drinkers, particularly younger ones, often view their coffee choices as a reflection of their lifestyle, driven by both taste and social factors. This trend is evident as three-quarters of past-week specialty coffee drinkers consider drinking cold brew coffee as “cool or trendy.”
7. Impact of Global Coffee Beverages: Specialty coffee drinkers are more adventurous in trying global coffee beverages. Arabic coffee and Irish coffee are the most commonly consumed international coffee types among American specialty coffee drinkers, indicating a potential market for introducing more global coffee experiences.
Conclusion: The 2024 NCA Specialty Coffee Report provides a detailed analysis of the current trends and future directions in the specialty coffee market. The sustained growth in specialty coffee consumption, driven by younger demographics and innovative beverage types, highlights the evolving preferences of American coffee drinkers. As the coffee industry continues to adapt to these changes, understanding these trends will be crucial for stakeholders aiming to cater to the diverse and sophisticated tastes of modern consumers.
For more detailed insights and data, the full report can be accessed through the National Coffee Association’s official website.