Seung Chan Wi of South Korea Wins 2024 World Coffee in Good Spirits Championship

In a thrilling finale at the 2024 World Coffee in Good Spirits Championship held in Copenhagen, Seung Chan Wi of South Korea emerged triumphant, showcasing his exceptional mixology skills and solidifying South Korea’s prominence in the global coffee community.

Competing against a field of international talent, Wi’s innovative approach and precise technique impressed judges, securing him the top position in this prestigious competition.

The final rankings for the 2024 World Coffee in Good Spirits Championship are as follows:

  1. Seung Chan Wi, South Korea
  2. Sandro Roth, Switzerland
  3. Andrea Villa, Italy
  4. Yessylia Violin Angkasa, Indonesia
  5. Sin Jay Kao, Taiwan
  6. Chloe Lai, Hong Kong

Over the course of three intense days, participants from around the world captivated audiences with their creativity and mastery in crafting coffee cocktails. Sponsored by @arzumokka, the championship highlighted the artistry and skill required in the field of coffee mixology.

Congratulations to Seung Chan Wi and all participants for making the 2024 World Coffee in Good Spirits Championship a memorable success!

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