Therapist Recommends Limiting Coffee Intake to Four Cups a Day

Therapist Recommends Limiting Coffee Intake to Four Cups a Day

Elena Tikhomirova, a therapist and nutritionist at “SM-Clinic,” provided guidance on consuming coffee without harming one’s health. During an interview with, she emphasized that moderation is key, suggesting that up to 400 mg of caffeine per day—equivalent to about four cups of coffee—is generally safe for most people.

Tikhomirova also noted that individuals with high sensitivity to caffeine might experience adverse effects such as increased heart rate and insomnia, and these individuals should limit their intake accordingly. They are usually aware of their sensitivity and either consume coffee rarely or not at all.

Recent studies support Tikhomirova’s recommendations, indicating that moderate coffee consumption is associated with various health benefits. A study conducted by researchers at the Semmelweis University found that light to moderate coffee consumption (up to three cups per day) is linked to a 12% lower risk of all-cause mortality and a 17% lower risk of death from cardiovascular diseases compared to non-coffee drinkers. Additionally, consuming coffee was associated with a 21% lower risk of stroke. The beneficial effects were most pronounced with ground coffee as opposed to instant coffee, likely due to differences in their production processes and additives (MedicalXpress, 2024).

Further supporting these findings, another study highlighted that moderate coffee intake could positively affect heart health, potentially reversing some of the adverse effects of aging on the heart. This study used cardiac magnetic resonance imaging to demonstrate healthier heart size and function among regular coffee drinkers compared to non-drinkers (MedicalXpress, 2024).

Moreover, coffee contains numerous bioactive compounds, including chlorogenic acids, polyphenolics, terpenoids, and alkaloids, which contribute to its health benefits. These compounds are involved in reducing oxidative stress and inflammation, enhancing metabolic functions, and potentially lowering the risk of several chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and certain cancers (Texas A&M University, 2023).

However, it is crucial to note that excessive coffee consumption can lead to negative health outcomes. For instance, some studies suggest that consuming more than three to four cups of coffee per day may not provide additional health benefits and could potentially increase the risk of adverse effects for some individuals.

Additionally, nutritionist and biochemist Ekaterina Novikova advised caution regarding coffee substitutes. For example, chicory should be avoided by children under three, individuals with varicose veins, asthma, gallbladder diseases, and hemorrhoids. Guarana is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women, people with arthritis, chronic depression, and children under five (, 2024).

In summary, moderate coffee consumption—up to four cups per day—can be part of a healthy lifestyle, offering several health benefits, particularly for cardiovascular health. However, individuals should be mindful of their sensitivity to caffeine and avoid excessive intake to prevent potential health issues.

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