UNIDO and ICO Publish Report on Coffee Sustainability and Resilience

UNIDO and ICO Publish Report on Coffee Sustainability and Resilience

The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the International Coffee Organization (ICO) have announced new initiatives to strengthen climate adaptation and sustainability in the Coffee Global Value Chain (C-GVC). These efforts are supported by the Italian Presidency of the G7 and various public and private partners.

UNIDO and ICO’s joint report, “Sustainability & Resilience of the Coffee Global Value Chain: Towards a Global Investment Vehicle,” analyzes the needs and options for creating a global funding mechanism to support stakeholders, especially farmers, in addressing climate change and other structural challenges. The report emphasizes the importance of mobilizing both public and private funding through grants and investments, and proposes the creation of a blended financial vehicle that includes grants and loans.

ICO Executive Director Vanúsia Nogueira highlighted the report’s role in providing essential insights for mobilizing funding across the C-GVC, while UNIDO Director General Gerd Müller emphasized the report’s solutions for supporting smallholder coffee farmers facing volatile market conditions and climate impacts.

Coffee is a crucial global cash crop and a driver of sustainable development. The report calls for robust partnerships among governments, private sector stakeholders, international organizations, and civil society to enhance coordination and support sustainable practices in the coffee sector.

Funded by the Italian Development Cooperation and the ICO’s Coffee Public-Private Task Force (CPPTF), the report aims to foster further cooperation with G7 members and partners such as the World Bank Group, UNDP, FAO, and ITC to ensure a sustainable and resilient future for coffee-producing countries.

About the International Coffee Organization (ICO): Established in 1962 under the United Nations, ICO is the only intergovernmental organization for coffee, uniting exporting and importing governments to strengthen and promote the global coffee sector.

About the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO): A UN specialized agency focused on promoting sustainable economic and industrial development, UNIDO supports sustainable food systems, renewable energy, and fair supply chains.

For more information, visit ICO and UNIDO.

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