Effect of Coffee on Sleep: Unveiling the Secrets of Awakening and Heart Health

Effect of Coffee on Sleep: Unveiling the Secrets of Awakening and Heart Health

In the realm of sleep, the absence of coffee holds the promise of profound change. Experts illuminate the path to mitigate the caffeine withdrawal syndrome. When coffee is forsaken, slumber should improve. However, experts caution that this transformation may not occur immediately. The more entrenched the coffee habit, the more arduous the transition may be, as per healthdigest.com.

“The reason coffee can impede sleep lies in its hindrance of the daytime accumulation of a brain chemical known as adenosine. The higher the adenosine levels in the brain by day’s end, the more fatigued you become by night,” the publication elucidates.

According to a 2023 survey, nearly 80% of daily coffee consumers reported drinking two or more cups during the workweek. Abrupt cessation of coffee intake for those with higher consumption patterns may disrupt the sleep cycle.

“For avid coffee enthusiasts, these sleep disturbances may manifest as insomnia, one of many potential caffeine withdrawal symptoms,” the publication adds.

Experts advocate for gradual reduction of coffee consumption, with symptoms subsiding over time. It is presumed that the sleep cycle will realign within 7-14 days. Improvement in sleep is noted after this period.

“For instance, try reducing coffee intake by 50% in the first week, then halve it again in the second week, and so forth. This way, you can decrease the likelihood of experiencing caffeine withdrawal syndrome, which may also include headaches, muscle pains, nausea, mental fog, constipation, and daytime drowsiness,” the publication underscores.

Three Remarkable Coffee Additions for Lowering Blood Cholesterol Levels

A nutritionist highlights ingredients that bolster heart health.

Coffee, a beloved morning elixir for many, harbors potential to be transformed with specific additives, reports She Finds. While numerous harmful additives are best avoided, a few beneficial ones can facilitate daily coffee consumption and gradually enhance heart health.

Dr. Lisa Andrews, a Doctor of Medical Science and a therapeutic nutritionist, divulges that oat milk, cinnamon, and even cocoa can be saviors for the heart.

Oat Milk

Oat milk isn’t just a tasty plant-based alternative to cow’s milk and unhealthy creamers; it’s also a potent tool for reducing cholesterol levels and thus fortifying heart health, asserts Andrews.

“It contains soluble fiber, which can contribute to lowering cholesterol levels,” the nutritionist remarks.

Commercial oat milk, with 2 grams of fiber per serving, significantly boosts daily fiber intake necessary for heart health.


Andrews suggests that incorporating cocoa into coffee could be an excellent idea for those aiming to bolster heart health.

“Cocoa is a source of antioxidants as well as fiber,” she notes. “A tablespoon of cocoa contains 2 grams of dietary fiber, but its benefits extend beyond that. Research shows that regular consumption of cocoa in milk can reduce ‘bad’ cholesterol levels and elevate ‘good’ cholesterol levels.”

To infuse your coffee with a heart-healthy boost, simply add a spoonful of cocoa powder to your cup.


Adding a dash of cinnamon to coffee not only imparts warmth and aroma but also provides heart protection.

“Cinnamon contains antioxidants that can help reduce inflammation and cholesterol levels,” Andrews explains.

Studies utilizing cinnamon extract have demonstrated positive outcomes in lowering cholesterol levels. Additionally, cinnamon extract has been shown to reduce glucose, insulin, and cholesterol levels in individuals with elevated blood glucose levels, further underscoring its potential as a heart-friendly ingredient. Additionally, it may even accelerate your metabolism.


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