
How To Use Coffee To Lose Weight ?

American nutritionist Ashley Shaw explained how to effectively use coffee in the process of losing weight.

In order for coffee to bring cheerfulness, but not harm the body, you can drink up to four cups a day with an optimal volume of 400 milligrams of caffeine.

This amount of coffee will give energy and support the metabolism. Not very strong coffee can be drunk one cup every two to three hours.

Of course, if the goal is to lose weight, you should not add cream, sugar and other sweeteners to coffee.

“Black coffee itself has a negligible amount of calories. Weight loss is caused by their deficiency — you consume less than you spend. A popular and obvious way to achieve a deficit is to consume fewer calories and expend more energy.Black coffee is ideal for this, as it contains less than five calories per cup. However, this drink remains low in calories until you add sugar or milk to it,” the nutritionist explained”.

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