The World Coffee Championships are seeking volunteers for the Chicago and Busan Championships

The World Coffee Championships are seeking volunteers for the Chicago and Busan Championships

In an exciting opportunity for coffee enthusiasts and professionals alike, the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) invites individuals to step into leadership roles as lead volunteers for the World Coffee Championships (WCC) in Chicago (April 2024) and Busan (May 2024).

The SCA is seeking passionate individuals who are willing to invest their time and skills to play pivotal roles in the orchestration of these prestigious events. Lead volunteer positions, which include stage/backstage assistants & managers, scorekeepers, bar managers, and head runners, provide a unique chance for specialty coffee professionals to take on leadership responsibilities and actively contribute to the success of the championships.

Lead volunteers enjoy various benefits corresponding to their time commitment and skill sets. Interested individuals can explore detailed job descriptions and benefits for both Chicago and Busan on the World Coffee Championships website. The positions demand a higher level of commitment but offer a rewarding experience for those eager to be deeply involved in the behind-the-scenes support of the competitions.

Key Event Dates:

World Coffee Championships Chicago: April 11th – 13th, 2024
World Coffee Championships Busan: May 1st – 4th, 2024

Prospective lead volunteers are reminded that they may be required on-site 2-3 days before the competition begins. It’s important to note that applicants with pre-existing flight and/or accommodation arrangements will not be eligible for reimbursement.

To apply for a lead volunteer position, interested candidates can complete the application form available on the WCC website by January 31, 2024. The SCA encourages individuals to thoroughly review the job descriptions and benefits before submitting their applications.

For inquiries and further information, please reach out to [email protected]. Don’t miss this chance to be an integral part of the WCC team and immerse yourself in the global coffee community. Registration closes on January 31st, 2024.

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