Coffee to go has become more expensive in Russia, but now it’s being bought more often

Coffee to go has become more expensive in Russia, but now it’s being bought more often

According to data provided by the company “Platforma OFD” through the “Check Index” service, the average bill for takeaway coffee in January-February 2024 amounted to 193 rubles.

This figure is 10% higher than the results for the same period last year. At the same time, the number of coffee purchases to go has increased by 14% over the year, notes Gazeta.Ru.

Cappuccino and latte in 200-300 ml paper cups are the most popular types of coffee. Experts consider this growth to be the result of an increased number of visits to catering establishments, the development of domestic tourism, and the holding of mass events. There is also a growth in the segment of purchasing food to go when buying coffee, which is due to its consumption in various situations such as work lunches, meetings with friends, and travels.

In addition to coffee, various sweets, pastries, cookies, rolls, and salads are among the top purchases alongside it. Courier services also note an increase in demand for coffee delivery. Such data indicate the active development of the coffee to go market and its popularity among consumers not only in cafes and restaurants but also as food on the go in various situations.

Coffee is one of the most common beverages, and demand for it has been constantly increasing lately. We appreciate coffee for its rich taste and the opportunity to combine it with various ingredients, such as milk or sugar, to add variety to the drink. However, it is important to understand what prevails in coffee: harm or benefit to our health? Let’s figure it out.

Benefits of drinking coffee:

Coffee not only tones and stimulates the central nervous system but also contains natural antioxidants that protect the body’s cells from free radicals. Among such antioxidants, chlorogenic acid, which is a powerful natural antioxidant, and trigonelline, which has a beneficial effect on blood vessels and capillaries, can be distinguished. It is important to observe careful roasting of coffee to preserve the maximum amount of beneficial substances.

Contraindications to the consumption of coffee:

People in the risk group, such as those suffering from hypertension, cardiac arrhythmias, insomnia, nervous excitability, or nephrolithiasis, should limit their consumption of coffee. For these groups of patients, it is recommended to choose decaffeinated coffee, which contains the same beneficial substances as regular coffee.

There are many caffeine-containing beverages and medicinal preparations. The caffeine content in tonic drinks is usually not less than 150 mg per liter. Too high a concentration of caffeine (more than 300 mg per liter) can cause overexcitation of the central nervous system, leading to insomnia, anxiety, and other disorders. It is not recommended to consume alcoholic beverages containing caffeine, as this can lead to unpredictable consequences due to the combination of the tonic effect of caffeine and the relaxing effect of alcohol.

In terms of usefulness, soluble coffee is inferior to ground coffee, as during its production, aroma, taste, and beneficial substances are lost. Therefore, flavorings and flavor enhancers are often added to it. Coffee is a popular beverage, however, as with any product, it is important to consume it in moderation to bring only pleasure and benefit to your body.

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