Experts Discover Positive Effect of Coffee on Digestion

Experts Discover Positive Effect of Coffee on Digestion

Experts have discovered that coffee has a stimulating effect on digestive processes.

According to the journaluurr, it turned out that the researchers after studying about 200 scientific research published, that drinking coffee in moderation 3-5 cups a day, does not damage the digestive process, but on the contrary reduces the risk of the emergence of stones in the gallbladder bag and the incidence of pancreatitis and some liver diseases. Because they stimulate the secretions of the stomach, bile and pancreas necessary for the digestion of food.

They also affect the gut microbiome and shrink the colon walls necessary for food to pass through the digestive tract.

Analysis of the results of 194 scientific studies showed that drinking coffee in moderation stimulates digestion and increases the number of “beneficial bacteria” in the intestine, and that it has a protective effect for the liver, including against malignant tumors.

The results of the study showed that coffee stimulates the secretion of the digestive hormone “gastrin” and hydrochloric acid, which help digest food in the stomach. Coffee also stimulates the release of the hormone cholecystokinin, which increases the production of bile and also contributes to digestion.

The results of this study showed that coffee stimulates colon movement by 60 percent better than water, and by 23 percent better than non-caffeinated coffee alternatives. That is, coffee is able to relieve chronic constipation.

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