How To Make Coffee a Healthy Drink?
Coffee is one of the most controversial drinks after alcohol. Some scientists claim that it is harmful to health, and some insist on its positive properties. In fact, coffee can be both harmful and beneficial.
Whether coffee will benefit or harm depends on how often and in what amount it is consumed.
Six simple tips on how to use coffee correctly so that it benefits the body.
It is harmful to drink coffee on an empty stomach
A morning cup of fragrant coffee is a good solution, but if you drink it after breakfast, and not instead of it. Otherwise, there will be a negative impact on the metabolism, esophagus, heart and endocrine system. Although the first hours will feel imaginary satiety, but paying for it will cost health more.
coffee + butter
It is advisable to add oil to the drink. Coconut is best. The temperature of the coffee should not be too high. The fats contained in the oils protect the heart from diseases and normalize blood pressure.
In order for coffee to really benefit, you should refuse to add cow’s milk or cream to the drink. If you are still used to drinking latte or cappuccino, then soy, almond or coconut milk will be an excellent substitute. Vegetable milk does not contain harmful cholesterol and other dangerous additives that are currently found in store-bought cow’s milk.
Coffee + cinnamon
Coffee with cinnamon is not only delicious, but also healthy. This duo contains antioxidants, which helps to eliminate toxins from the body and prolong youth. In addition, cinnamon lowers blood sugar levels.
Cinnamon is also good for potency, and therefore oriental men, known for their strong male health, often use it in food and drinks.
Replace sugar with other sweeteners
By the words “other sweeteners” we do not mean synthetic sweetener. We are talking about natural sweeteners, for example – honey, date, maple syrup or agave syrup. But remember that you need to add podstastiteli, especially honey, not in hot coffee, but already a little cold.
You can also drink the drink with dried fruits (for example, dates). This will be a great option for a snack and dessert.
To make coffee, you need to use filtered water
To make the water clean and safe, it is not enough just to boil it. It must pass through a filter to get rid of heavy metals and various harmful impurities. Otherwise, there is a risk of harm to health.
It is advisable to use disposable paper filters
To make coffee, it is advisable to use paper disposable filters. In this way, the components that contribute to the growth of bad cholesterol are filtered out.
If you cook and drink coffee properly, the positive effect for health and well-being will not take long to wait. It is also important to choose high-quality varieties of the drink. It is best to take coffee beans of a moderate degree of roasting and do not store the ground coffee for a long time.