JDE Peet’s Repurchases Over 1.2 Million Shares Under EUR 250 Million Buyback Programme

JDE Peet’s Repurchases Over 1.2 Million Shares Under EUR 250 Million Buyback Programme

JDE Peet’s (EURONEXT: JDEP), the world’s largest pure-play coffee and tea company, has repurchased a total of 1,284,361 ordinary shares between March 3 and March 7, 2025. The average price per share was EUR 18.25, amounting to an overall investment of EUR 23.4 million.

This share buyback is part of the company’s previously announced EUR 250 million buyback programme initiated on March 3, 2025. JDE Peet’s intends to reduce its capital by cancelling the majority of these shares, with a small portion reserved for obligations related to share-based remuneration.

The buyback programme, which reflects the company’s strong confidence in its long-term growth prospects and robust cash flow capabilities, was announced following the release of its full-year 2024 results on February 26, 2025. The initiative is part of a larger, multi-year strategy that will see up to EUR 1 billion returned to shareholders, with EUR 250 million specifically designated for buybacks in 2025.

An intermediary is executing the programme to ensure compliance with the EU Market Abuse Regulation, allowing transactions during both open and closed trading periods.

JDE Peet’s will continue providing regular updates on the buyback programme’s progress through official statements and dedicated sections of its corporate website.

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