Register to Volunteer at World of Coffee!
Volunteering is more than just lending a hand. It’s an opportunity to learn, grow, network, and give back to the community you feel most passionate about. Volunteering fosters relationships with people from around the world that share similar interests. It’s the perfect opportunity to help the coffee industry flourish. And not to mention, by committing a minimum of 3 shifts, you will earn a free 3-day World of Coffee Volunteer badge in exchange, which gives you full access to watch all four World Coffee Championships.
There are three different ways of getting involved:
(1) general volunteering
(2) applying for a lead volunteer or emcee role
(3) volunteering as a World of Coffee workshop or station instructor (registration opens soon)
All general volunteers committing to a minimum of 3 shifts (or being selected for a lead instructor role) will receive a 3-day ticket to World of Coffee. All volunteers must be above 18 years old.
Learn more by clicking the “Register Now” button below.
Book Your Accommodation
AFEA Travel & Congress Services SA, has secured a variety of hotels in Athens, ranging from luxurious to more standard accommodation options at preferential rates. As June is a high season in Athens, and rooms will be booked on a first come first served basis, we strongly encourage all delegates to proceed with their bookings well in advance.
SCA lectures are educational presentations given by respected experts who inspire, educate, and motivate coffee professionals. Lecturers and panelists should strive to help audience members expand their coffee knowledge, as well as to set and reach goals for themselves and their businesses. Many of the most consistently popular lectures offer practical approaches to addressing challenges and opportunities faced by specialty coffee industry actors.
Deadline for Proposals:
Monday, March 20, 2022
Call for Proposals: 2023 World of Coffee Athens Lecture Series