Is It Possible To Drink Coffee While Eating?

Is It Possible To Drink Coffee While Eating?

You can drink coffee with a meal, especially if the drink is made from a natural product and does not contain additives, nutritionist Antonina Savolyuk told RIA Novosti.

“Biologically active substances, antioxidants and catechins contained in coffee are very easily bound to proteins and calcium. If you drink coffee with fatty food with animal protein, add milk or cream to the drink, then all its benefits, unfortunately, are lost. Tannin has an additional effect. When interacting with proteins, the substance is difficult to digest,” the nutritionist said.

The specialist recommends drinking coffee during breakfast or between snacks, washing it down with a glass of water. “Coffee strongly dehydrates and slightly “oxidizes” the acid-base balance. It also has a diuretic effect, removes water from the bloodstream. Therefore, a glass of water after a cup of coffee is a habit that will be useful for everyone,” Savolyuk said.

In addition, it is important to remember about individual contraindications. “The exception to the cases is the presence of direct contraindications of the doctor.

For example, you can not drink it at the risk of osteoporosis, hypertension or the presence of cocci in the body. If the doctor forbade drinking coffee, then, of course, in this case, you should listen to your attending specialist.

It is not recommended to drink strong coffee for people with diagnosed gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, – explains the nutritionist. – The rest can drink coffee at will. If you want, you can eat light sweets as a dessert to the drink: dried fruits, a couple of dates or a slice of chocolate.”

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